I am mounting #9 seat on my XP 2.0 tomorrow. Bluewind oversized with the small backrest. To qualify the looney reasoning behind it I have prostate problems that have created lower back problem. will be operated on for BPH on February 9. So, the bike came with Lectrics comfort seat and post which was OK but I decided to try different ones because they still had pressure on my prostate. I ordered the noseless Schwinn but was difficult to stay on I found that I slipped off easily. I tried a couple of the cheaper seats with slots in them, but couldn’t get comfortable.. I tried to cloud nine the select, which was probably the best one so far and the sofa model, which really wasn’t good at all and the Selle Royale drifter, which is what I have on there now and it’s OK but I just can’t get it in the right position because it feels uncomfortable on the sit bones. In my opinion, the Selle royal is probably the nicest looking seat but comfort comes first I ordered the giddyup. I had a hard time with anything getting that right and had it on for 15 minutes. I have ordered the blue wind with the raised back like a mini seat and a super wide and I’m gonna give that a try tomorrow. I also turned the handlebars around to try and make my position more of a sitting position and take pressure off my wrists. I haven’t decided whether or not that was a good move. I think the new seat is going to be wide enough, so I can just ride with throttle through my recovery after the operation. Of course my doctor recommends six weeks recovery everybody I’ve talked to that has had the operation said it’s much quicker so I’m hoping for that but I’m sure I’ll be able to sit and just use the throttle until I can starI pedaling again. I pedal 90% of the time because I want the excercsize And love the XP 2.0. My typical ride is 5 to 7 miles on flat Florida streets or sidewalks but after the op we plan on traveling with the bikes to different trails with friends so a comfortable seat is essential. So that’s my story sad but true.