Soletri M366X trike on the way;


Active member
Local time
1:57 AM
Apr 13, 2023
I just plunked down $3k for this new and yet to be released Addmotor trike after finding no reviews for it whatsoever for weeks. On the way to penning this thread, I find this:

Addmotor Soletri & Herotri Preview (New M365 & M366 series)
Looking to buy an electric trike but not sure where to start? We suggest giving Addmotor a chance, the new M365 & M366 series are going to be..

I have not read the review yet my reasons for taking a big leap of faith here are as follows:

Decent sized battery of "UL Listed" quality at 20ah.
Supposedly a decent amperage controller.
Suspension front and rear that could possibly be modified with something much better.
A seat with enough support points to pretty much easily install or fab up anything that one would wish plus additional possible support points in the cargo area (I'm not a slave to looks and would even consider the old Polaris Sportsman 500 atv seat design which is about as comfortable for one or two as I've experienced).
Plenty of torque at 80nm.
The same 750 watt Bafang motor that seems to be everywhere (whether it is junk or not I have no idea yet it doesn't seem to be astronomically expensive to replace)
(Don't like the disc brakes).
Like the modern lighting front/rear.
Capacity at 450# supposed is reasonable.

I'm just not seeing anything else out there like it at $2900 shipped to my door (please criticize this purchase if need be).
...also not a fan of front wheel drive on a trike yet I'm guessing that weight considerations are a factor in terms of motor load/its capacity to overcome these forces and still deliver a 450# weight capacity.
Here is the seat that I will likely put on it if not reigned in for sanity considerations (might have to modify the forward seat area to pedal):
Also just heard that the two largest ports on the west coast recently shut down for 24 hours due to labor issues...will I ever get this thing? :)
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Are there any front and rear suspended trikes which can carry another rider/cargo out there boasting similar specs at a similar price point?
If 'no' is the answer to the above there anybody else out there who took a look at these specs. and pre-ordered one?
Here is the actual model that we may or may not receive depending on(?)...
Good...we'll see if Addmotor sends us a new model trike that will actually hold up to some 'old school' critique. ;)
I do find the above interesting as they seem to have at least made the investment over here for how long(?) in terms of having a presence right here in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Seems that many are simply dealing direct with the PRC and taking their chances (Alibaba, etc.) as I obviously am doing now with but a couple(?) of CA-based brick and mortars.
...I thought that I would least get a rise out of someone claiming that this Soletri trike wasn't squat for the price as compared to 'x' brand/model elsewhere offering a similarly suspended trike with this much power/payload (or more)...
C'mon guys and gals ...force me to pay whatever cancellation fee Addmotor is demanding to lust after something else with the same features or better well before it gets here! :unsure: other words, I need to be told (concerning my nobody-has-ever-even-seen-one-much-less-road-it $2900 purchase w/free freight):
"What were you thinking anyways(?) is the absolute best fully suspended, easily modifiable (both suspension and seating) trike out there with a minimum 750 watt motor (front drive or rear; torque undefined; guessing 80?), 20Ah/25ah battery/controller and 4" puncture resistant fat tires...did you bump your head when you decided to risk 3 grand on this thing..or what(???)
Personally, I see the usage of a delta e-trike more suited for folks who have physical challenges to operate/balance a 2-wheel ebike.
Designated speed of operation of a delta trike is going to be lower than that of a 2-wheel e-bike, due to the instability during higher speed cornering of a delta trike design.
If you really want a trike or e-trike with performance for higher top speed & cornering ability at higher speeds; look for a tadpole trike.

Front wheel drive, delta trikes are not destine to corner well, unless you have majority of the weight (rider/battery/motor) that is low to the ground at wheel axle level. Which would not be an ideal riding position for those who are already having challenge balancing on a e-bike.
Personally, I see the usage of a delta e-trike more suited for folks who have physical challenges to operate/balance a 2-wheel ebike.
Designated speed of operation of a delta trike is going to be lower than that of a 2-wheel e-bike, due to the instability during higher speed cornering of a delta trik
If you really want a trike or e-trike with performance for higher top speed & cornering ability at higher speeds; look for a tadpole trike.

Front wheel drive, delta trikes are not destine to corner well, unless you have majority of the weight (rider/battery/motor) that is low to the ground at wheel axle level. Which would not be an ideal riding position for those who are already having challenge balancing on a e-bike.
Still hoping to find someone out there who feels that there is a better trike out there in this class at the moment yet I'll have to disagree with the above.
The benefits of three or even four wheels (over two) underneath are endless whether physically challenged or not. The difference in taking a leisurely ride not contingent on any constant balancing act is real. The cornering factor is simply a function of how fast you can or frankly wish to take any relatively hard corner versus traveling in a relatively straight line or any lesser correctional manner constituting (well over) most of your riding. I think that I can confidently speak for many others who can still ride a bike pretty well: Pure function involving real life tasks is not dead (trikes vs bikes) anymore than leisure without effort (Etrikes and even the now outlawed fat tire ATV personified).

We're not all "challenged balancing on an e-bike"...only taking advantage of either single front or rear wheel designs allowing us to relax much more and more comfortably enjoy the ride/scenery (which these new sharp cornering front two wheel designs will soon prove).
I never said all have to be "challenged balancing on an e-bike" to be wanting a e-trike.
You should learn to read more carefully.
Personally, I see the usage of a delta e-trike more suited for folks who have physical challenges to operate/balance a 2-wheel ebike.
Designated speed of operation of a delta trike is going to be lower than that of a 2-wheel e-bike, due to the instability during higher speed cornering of a delta trike design.
If you really want a trike or e-trike with performance for higher top speed & cornering ability at higher speeds; look for a tadpole trike.

Front wheel drive, delta trikes are not destine to corner well, unless you have majority of the weight (rider/battery/motor) that is low to the ground at wheel axle level. Which would not be an ideal riding position for those who are already having challenge balancing on a e-bike.

I never said all have to be "challenged balancing on an e-bike" to be wanting a e-trike.
You should learn to read more carefully.
My reply:
"...We're not all "challenged balancing on an e-bike"...only taking advantage of either single front or rear wheel designs allowing us to relax much more and more comfortably enjoy the ride/scenery (which these new sharp cornering front two wheel designs will soon prove)."

I also argued that Etrikes are not "more suited for folks who have physical challenges to operate/balance a 2-wheel ebike ..." citing the leisure-related facts outlined above and the reality that E(trike) type designs of all powers always have been and literally always will be the workhorses of the world.

"All" was used as a reminder that the world's overall (E)trike market is driven by demands much larger than what your opinion of it is "suited for".
A lot of young people don't work in industrial settings anymore or where large work areas are housed under one roof/paved complexes...but pedal trikes were once the #1 answer to 'reasonable' pedestrian safety concerns as all manner of materials were schlepped around these plants. Even today, I wouldn't trust an Etrike in our latest generation's hands (in industrial settings) as most have never day in/out ridden a bike for years on end which was just not the case when trikes were much more prevalent.
I would also wager to guess that no one could be persuaded under threat of termination to pedal a trike anyways given a 21st century work ethic that I have sadly witnessed first hand...:confused::rolleyes:
Bonus...just found out that the Soletri model above comes with a fitted nylon bag for the back rack and that the mirrors are $20/something shipped free.
Still hoping to have someone talk me out of this one...Bafang 750W motor problems?..."UL Listed" battery doubts?...other outsourced components which I have no clue as to quality?....Kenda 'puncture resistant' 4" fat tires not necessarily good rubber?....other models out there leaps and bounds above for around $3K?
^^^^^^^^ I could get in to that as well if I could find a trike frame set-up for rear suspension at the very least and boasting a significantly supported seating area which would allow me to easily fab on a plush single or dual seat such as this one. You guys know more than I do if it is possible to quality-wise outsource all that Addmotor is offering here on a piece-meal basis while saving enough to make the build well worth my time and effort in the end.
....our roads and trails here in America are crap from intentional neglect so I quit screwing around with rock hard seats and non-suspended travel a long time ago. I'd rock this latest offering from Polaris down the street and everywhere else that I travelled if allowed to for obvious reasons:
(at 2 minutes and 30 seconds):
They drive those things all over Utah (USA)

That would be interesting to try electric and solar on that one with all that suspension, i'd not care if i only went 15 miles per hour :sneaky: