I just plunked down $3k for this new and yet to be released Addmotor trike after finding no reviews for it whatsoever for weeks. On the way to penning this thread, I find this:

Addmotor Soletri & Herotri Preview (New M365 & M366 series)
Looking to buy an electric trike but not sure where to start? We suggest giving Addmotor a chance, the new M365 & M366 series are going to be..
I have not read the review yet my reasons for taking a big leap of faith here are as follows:
Decent sized battery of "UL Listed" quality at 20ah.
Supposedly a decent amperage controller.
Suspension front and rear that could possibly be modified with something much better.
A seat with enough support points to pretty much easily install or fab up anything that one would wish plus additional possible support points in the cargo area (I'm not a slave to looks and would even consider the old Polaris Sportsman 500 atv seat design which is about as comfortable for one or two as I've experienced).
Plenty of torque at 80nm.
The same 750 watt Bafang motor that seems to be everywhere (whether it is junk or not I have no idea yet it doesn't seem to be astronomically expensive to replace)
(Don't like the disc brakes).
Like the modern lighting front/rear.
Capacity at 450# supposed is reasonable.
I'm just not seeing anything else out there like it at $2900 shipped to my door (please criticize this purchase if need be).

Addmotor Soletri & Herotri Preview (New M365 & M366 series)
Looking to buy an electric trike but not sure where to start? We suggest giving Addmotor a chance, the new M365 & M366 series are going to be..
I have not read the review yet my reasons for taking a big leap of faith here are as follows:
Decent sized battery of "UL Listed" quality at 20ah.
Supposedly a decent amperage controller.
Suspension front and rear that could possibly be modified with something much better.
A seat with enough support points to pretty much easily install or fab up anything that one would wish plus additional possible support points in the cargo area (I'm not a slave to looks and would even consider the old Polaris Sportsman 500 atv seat design which is about as comfortable for one or two as I've experienced).
Plenty of torque at 80nm.
The same 750 watt Bafang motor that seems to be everywhere (whether it is junk or not I have no idea yet it doesn't seem to be astronomically expensive to replace)
(Don't like the disc brakes).
Like the modern lighting front/rear.
Capacity at 450# supposed is reasonable.
I'm just not seeing anything else out there like it at $2900 shipped to my door (please criticize this purchase if need be).