New easy lithium building kit - It's 3d printable and 50 amps.


New member
Local time
6:25 AM
Feb 25, 2022
Hi everbody, I've been building ebikes since 2005, using prismatics and 18650's. I consider easy lithium technology as a life-saving necessity for those that live beside high emissions, so I decided to study the geometry, and here is the result:

It's complicated technology including certifications, physics, micrographs, asperities, comprehensive testing and benchmarking, detailed specification data, communications with different suppliers like LG/Saumsung/Panasonic for official collaborations. I want top quality, perfect equipment, very cheap, the same as what I'd want for my own ebikes.

For price, flat-pack kits will be less than $1 / cell, less than $50 / cell for just the precision components if you can 3D-print the hull, and less than $1.50 for fully built boxes.

I respect Vruzend because of their initiative and some of their innovation, I may team up with Michal Toll and others that are already trying to make ebikes cooler and easier for everyone.

For Ampacity, the cell contacts are 20A and the other box contacts are 50A, so basic boxes will be higher than 2000W. I found a single 0.041ms discontinuity on one of the cells when i dropped a box from 40cm onto wood, straight onto the lid side. Thats an even faster hit than if it took a 4ft drop on a trail bike mounted the wrong way!!! They're supposed to be mounted sideways from vibration vectors. That's why the project is at an advanced stage, because the tests were brilliant compared to what I had anticipated.
This looks at least somewhat feasible. Not seeing any sensor wires for voltage test or balancing of individual strings. Also there is a misprint in your pricing structure.

Vruzend is not very good and should not be respected, but examined for their failures. Copper springs, for one, relying on a friction fit for another. and their early video involving construction requiring a large wooden mallet is just priceless.

Have you considered Poron foam for the springs? Very low compression set, retains springiness over time.
Hi there Nelson37. The sensor wires are on the breadboard at the front of the pack, they can also be fixed to other areas of the battery for a range of options.

Poron foam is interesting, it does keep for many years, perhaps a 15 years official service time at 25 degrees C. I will offer Poron as an option if I have a chance, although the springs have a 50-100 year service time in high temps up to 50'C and also are only 1mm thin whereas poron takes up more space. I saw some designs using Poron in about 2015 and I studied foam physics to know which has the best compression set. I read science research which studies the best type of foam geometry from various lead brands of performance elastomers for compression.

I'm just re-filming some things for the video and will crowdfund very soon.
I'm curious, how would you fit your system into a typical battery housing used on an E bike? Do you have examples on your website doing something like that. Reason I'm asking is because the bike market is growing exponentially month by month in recent months.

Great concept however I wish you luck.
It's an interesting idea, especially since some parts can be 3D printed. I believe that all manufacturers should give this opportunity in order to save some of their production costs and give customers who have a 3D printer an opportunity to save.