Battery interchange


New member
Local time
7:39 AM
May 9, 2023
Granite Falls, WA
My truck was stolen with my rad wagon 4 battery in it. Literally days after purchasing the bike. My girlfriend trying to be sweet but having no idea what she was doing, went to a store and got me a battery for a Hurley. I have been trying to find the wiring diagram from 5 pin to 4 pin so I can at least use this battery for a short period of time until I have enough to purchase a new rad one. I have been having a tough time doing so. Any recommendations?
wut was the battery? 52v ? 48v ?

can we see a picture of it and someone might be able to assist you better :)

Welcome to the forums by the way :cool:
Pinouts are not at ALL standard. Hurley to RAD, not 4 to 5.

Generally, pos and neg, seperate in and output, possible temp sensor, or something custom so you have to buy factory replacements, which I don't think Rad does, don't know about Hurley.

A voltmeter and some careful probing should do it on the new battery, Rad mount try company website and google.

Make sure and appreciate your GF for making an effort to fix your machine. That is FAR better than average.
Hey there,

I'm sorry to hear about your truck being stolen and the inconvenience you're facing with your Rad Wagon 4 battery. It's unfortunate that your girlfriend's well-intentioned gesture didn't quite work out. I'll do my best to help you with your situation.

Finding a wiring diagram specifically for converting a 5-pin battery to a 4-pin battery might be a bit challenging, as it would depend on the specific wiring configurations of both the Hurley battery and the Rad Wagon 4. However, I can offer you a general suggestion that might help.
  1. Identify the pinout: Start by identifying the pinout of both the Hurley battery and the Rad Wagon 4. You can refer to the user manuals or technical documentation of both batteries to determine the function of each pin. This will help you understand which pins on the Hurley battery correspond to the necessary connections on the Rad Wagon 4.
  2. Assess compatibility: Compare the pin configurations of the two batteries. If any of the pins on the Hurley battery match the required connections on the Rad Wagon 4, you may be able to make a temporary connection using those matching pins.
  3. Seek professional assistance: It's crucial to mention that modifying battery connections can be risky, and I strongly recommend consulting a professional or reaching out to the manufacturer's support team for guidance. They have expertise in handling such situations and can provide you with the necessary information or offer suitable alternatives.
  4. Consider alternative options: While you're working on a temporary solution, you could also explore other options. For instance, you might look into renting a battery, borrowing one from a friend who owns a Rad Wagon 4, or checking with local bike shops or Rad Power Bikes dealerships to see if they have any resources or recommendations for you.
Good luck in finding a solution, and I hope you can get back to enjoying your Rad Wagon 4 soon!