Regretting the Voilamart purchase.

Fort Ord

New member
Local time
6:25 PM
Dec 26, 2020
My situation: last year, August, I bought a Voilamart 1500 watt rear hub conversion kit. I have two 48 - 52 V batteries on a bike pannier rack, long story behind that one, suffice it to say it got me to/from on a 25 mile commute. In December, weird things started: the throttle battery power indicator would drain from full charge to empty in less than five miles, at which point I'd stop, connect the 2nd battery and go another 5. When I'd get home, the batteries would fully recharge in 2 hours. This alone tells me the LED battery on the throttle is inaccurate. So: I have tried new (three of the Voilamart ) controllers, 3 new throttles, and nothing works now. When the controller connected to the battery the bike won't start . Is there a way you'd recommend where I could take the controller off the bike and test it with a multimeter? The batteries test fully charged, and I am getting to the point where I throw the Voilamart components out and buy new conversion kit. Your input here would be greatly appreciated!
I would figure a way to test batteries voltage under load. A bad cell could cause what you experience. It seems they charge in too short a time...
My situation: last year, August, I bought a Voilamart 1500 watt rear hub conversion kit. I have two 48 - 52 V batteries on a bike pannier rack, long story behind that one, suffice it to say it got me to/from on a 25 mile commute. In December, weird things started: the throttle battery power indicator would drain from full charge to empty in less than five miles, at which point I'd stop, connect the 2nd battery and go another 5. When I'd get home, the batteries would fully recharge in 2 hours. This alone tells me the LED battery on the throttle is inaccurate. So: I have tried new (three of the Voilamart ) controllers, 3 new throttles, and nothing works now. When the controller connected to the battery the bike won't start . Is there a way you'd recommend where I could take the controller off the bike and test it with a multimeter? The batteries test fully charged, and I am getting to the point where I throw the Voilamart components out and buy new conversion kit. Your input here would be greatly appreciated!
I don’t have advice, but Im considering buying the 1500w voilamart kit. I might reconsider it now.
This a battery problem, not a motor or controller problem.

Sounds like a connection and/or charger issue, two different voltages and a long story, two different batteries which both give identical 5 mile range and then gauge shows dead.

One problem here is bad battery can sag in voltage badly under load, then rebound to normal with load removed, faster than you can unplug and test with a meter.

A guess would be improper charging with the wrong voltage charger, plus a defective battery, or two. The "Long story" might give useful information, but so many people seem to need to keep some things a secret.

The Voilamart/Yescom/generic 9C clone is an excellent starting point and for many sufficient to their needs. 1500 watt Direct Drive hub motor are fairly bulletproof.

Batteries, on the other hand, need to be carefully chosen and used.