No pedal resistance - Juiced RipCurrent S


New member
Local time
6:43 PM
Jun 20, 2021
Tustin Ranch, CA
Hello, I have a brand new RipCurrent S step through. Just finished assembling it yesterday. The throttle response is great, but when I pedal, there is no resistance; the pedals don't work. I doubt that the bike is broken in some way, so what is it I need to do to get the pedals to engage?
Run thru your assembly instructions line by line to investigate how the chainring is supposed to engage the drivetrain to the rear wheels. If there are drawings or photos, look at them in detail. If all fails, check Youtube for your brand and problem. Last resort, an ebike shop.
Try the bike with no assist and throttle off. You should be able to pedal it like a regular bike. If not. Try turning the cranks while someone is holding the bike with all systems off and battery removed. If the cranks turn and the bike does not try to move; observe the "gear cluster" at the center of the rear wheel. If it is rotating; that is your problem. There are pawls in the cluster that lock it so it can only turn in on direction. I am assuming that the chain is in place; connected around both the large front sprocket and the aforementioned rear cluster.
Try the bike with no assist and throttle off. You should be able to pedal it like a regular bike. If not. Try turning the cranks while someone is holding the bike with all systems off and battery removed. If the cranks turn and the bike does not try to move; observe the "gear cluster" at the center of the rear wheel. If it is rotating; that is your problem. There are pawls in the cluster that lock it so it can only turn in on direction. I am assuming that the chain is in place; connected around both the large front sprocket and the aforementioned rear cluster.
After successfully getting through to Juiced customer support they have determined that the cadence sensor is defective and a new one is on the way.

I appreciate your willingness to try to help! Thank you so much.
Hello, I have a brand new RipCurrent S step through. Just finished assembling it yesterday. The throttle response is great, but when I pedal, there is no resistance; the pedals don't work. I doubt that the bike is broken in some way, so what is it I need to do to get the pedals to engaca
If you can pedal bike without any motor assistance then the problem isn't really a problem.use a higher gear for pedaling and a lower assist setting...Sounds simply but I've seen it myself a few times.
Hi Victor,

After finally getting in contact with Juiced customer support they determined that my bike has a defective cadence sensor and a replacement is on the way. I should receive it tomorrow, Monday, and once I replace it I'll report back here. I really do appreciate your attempts to help me figure out my problem. So thanks very much! ~ Dave