First, if you can't be bothered to post a picture or a link, how hard do you expect others to work to solve your problem?
Next, examine carefully what wiring is affected, in any way, by putting weight on the seat and/or turning hard, and do you turn a particular direction? This should not have any effect unless there is a damaged wire or loose plug moved by these actions.
Is it more likely to take off if you get it rolling 3-5 mph before applying throttle?
When "the motor stops", do you mean the wheel comes to a dead halt and you fall off, or that the motor stops propelling the bike, and then as it rolls to a stop, do you get any grinding noises.
When "the controller flashes", do you mean all lights flash on the display, then go out, or all lights on the display continue to flash, if so for how long, is it not just one but maybe 3, or 5, and then they go out, or is it just one light or a small group of lights, and is this in fact on the display itself, or actually on the controller box?
Have you tried, after the "stop" and "flash", doing absolutely nothing for 2-3 minutes, disconnecting the controller from the battery by manually unplugging the wires, then plugging them back in and turning on, then GENTLY applying throttle, AFTER pedaling up to 3-5 mph? If so, what happens, if not do so at first opportunity.
Also, you have apparently had several such events, detail everything you do to the bike between the event and when it starts to work again.
Do you have a voltmeter and if so what readings directly from the battery have you obtained, if not, strongly advise you go get one, ideally with at
least two digits past the decimal point on the readout.
And, NO, as you may have guessed by now, your title does not say a damn thing.