Winter behind me I started back on the bike. After a couple of days searching for a replacement clutch assy I remembered the comment above about a Luna Fixed and perused their website. Lo and behold there appeared to be a photo of the part I need. Parts support is done remote from the facility/parts warehouse so there wasn't information available about the part, even basic dimensional date. The rep graciously shared that it would be returnable so long as there were no scratches or other evidence of attempted installation. On delivery I found it to be an exact match and today find that I have a fully functional, very nicely engineered and constructed ebike. The generic $200 battery will in the near future be nestled into the salvaged OEM battery tube and I hope won't appear to be too much of a cludge. As I learned many years ago early in my engineering career, form follows function! Hopefully this information may be of value to another FLX owner with DIY desires. My thanks to m@Robertson!