The first person you spoke to was almost certainly the owner of the company.
If you would like to get paid, tell him you have my personal identifying information. At one time, he offered to pay $1,000 in cash for it. Site admin was offered $25,000 for "favors", one of which was refusing to provide documentation of this criminal act. I still have screenshots of a mod admitting to these actions.
They do not "manufacture" any of their products, most of their "innovations" are stolen from other, better companies, the owner is believed by most who have met him to suffer from serious psychological issues, they refuse to honor warranties until users have deleted their detailed complaint posts, and he or one of his minions will likely appear to state "Nelson37 is telling lies about me."
Most of the people who post favorably about the company or their products have been paid or received free product in order to do so. Users D8veh and AlanB specifically, both of whom I believe are ashamed of their actions. They specifically pimped a known defective product which is no longer sold by the company, because some angry dude would not allow it to be lied about and refused to be intimidated by his bullying, threats. lies, or bribes. Three guesses who that was. Several dozen owners of a pile of broken, useless junk wish I had done it sooner.
When I posted legally accurate information about Federal regulations regarding warranty protections and available avenues for consumer protection under "lemon laws", that information was deleted from the website. Not once, not twice, but three seperate times. That is what a "gift" of $25,000 to a site admin will buy you.
As for alternatives - there is a nice kid in Canada with a smile who is reputable, but a bit pricey. Also an Englishman in China who used to be a Mac dealer and now sells only batteries. Again reputable with good products but also a bit pricey. Justin and Paul.