Sorry if I appear to you to have "attacked you", (but I don't really want to take the time to read your past posts) but I would think you would be better served by a LBS in your next purchase, that way you can go back there face to face and resolve any complaints you have after the sale, first hand. This would save you the hassle of making blanket condemnations of a company via the internet, where interested followers can only see your side of things. I have done 5 or 6 K worth of biz with Luna, and will continue to give them my business. The joy I have gotten by riding a bike that they had something to is worth every penny.
A quick example: today I am in my crane (my occupation, crane service) lifting gravel off a rooftop of a Federal courthouse with a debris bucket. At 11:45, the roof top crew (who were doing all the work, shoveling the gravel) decided it was lunch time, and they signaled to me to shut it down, then they all got in the company crew cab truck and went probably, to the nearest fast food joint. Me, being a 47 year vegan, got my Giant Talon/BBS02 conversion out of the custom compartment I built onto the crane for it (it takes less then 30 seconds, in fact their pickup was still in the parking lot when I was exiting it) and rode a quick half mile to a lunch place more to my liking, and didn't walk in sweating.
While enjoying this quick ride, I could have cared less that Eric of Luna may or may not use the proper bike terms like head set, shock absorbers or whatever, I guess, being one of his fans, I can say I just don't care. All I know, is that between the local trail riding I do on my fatbike, and the adventures I have on the Montague conversion I carry in the plane, plus the crane bike, Luna has enriched MY life tremendously. Sorry your experience with them has been less so.
Luna will give ebikes a bad rep, like Ruger or Smith & Wesson gives hand guns a bad rep, it's up to the end user to use it responsibly. Maybe the big hand gun makers should limit their firepower to BB gun type forces, like the Euro designed bikes with 250 watts of power.