Home made delta trike


Active member
Local time
8:10 AM
May 20, 2021
First off I must explain that every so often I get the urge to experiment and build bikes/trikes. There is a topic on this forum where a 2 wheeled recumbent with full suspension was built. It turned out okay but I just couldn't get the hang of riding it. So it was decided to convert it to a delta trike. A childs mtn bike was purchased. It came with 20" by 2.8" wide wheels with disc brakes. It was cut up and the wheels became the rear wheels for the trike. The rear triangle was retained allowing the stock drive system to be used' A BMX front fork was cut up and converted to a triangle to hold the other rear wheel.
The front part of the 2 wheel frame mentioned above was repurposed for the main delta frame and the front suspension fork from the kids bike was installed on the front. Front wheel is a 2" tire. Motor is a BBSO2

I've been experimenting with a couple different drivelines and steering systems. After a few somewhat scary test rides around my neighborhood finally settled on a workable solution. I installed a jackshaft made using a 5/8" keyed shaft, 2 freehubs and 3 yes 3 5/8" bearings to support the shaft. The steering is underseat and uses an old zoom stem mounted on a 1/2" bolt welded to the underside of the frame. 2 bearings, each with a shoulder fit into the stem and it is quite low profile enabling the handlebars to fit between the power and return chains.

I did the usual test rides around the area gradually going a bit farther till I was satisfied it (the trike) worked okay. Now I'm trying out different frame mounting points for a coroplast type body to make this build a wet or light snow capable machine.
