Custom ebike help(display/throttle)


New member
Local time
12:14 AM
Jul 9, 2023
Hello, I'm new to the forum and new to the world of ebikes, I'm currently making a custom ebike using parts from a Lamtwheel GYL002 scooter.
Duel motors and duel controllers
Iv copied and pasted the wiring exactly onto the bike but I'm having a few issues.

1st issue is when I got the scooter the old throttle was in pieces it had 6 wires in total, red/white for power, blue/black to display in throttle, yellow and green disconnected but when connected it turned the motor(only 1/2) the new throttle only has three wires, red,black,green no display

2nd issue is I have a new display and I have attached it where the display cables are, and matched them up to the corresponding colours from the controllers but when I turn it on error 30h displays, I'm not sure if this is because throttle wires are not attached to anything, iv even disconnected everyone one by one only leaving the display but still error 30h still appears

Which would be the best method in finding and confirming the correct way to wire the new throttle and display, and what do I do if there are any wired not attached to anything as there are less wires to be connected?

Sorry for the long winded explanation my knowledge is basic but limited, any assistance would be gently appreciated.

Thank you
The best way is to FIRST, choose a workable motor. I have my doubts on your choice.

Second, choose a controller that is compatible with your motor.

Next, choose accessories, such as throttle and display, that are compatible with your controller. While there is some flexibility in these choices, many combinations are simply not compatible. THERE IS NO RELIABLE COLOR CODING, although red and black for pos and neg are USUALLY, but NOT ALWAYS, correctly coded.

I would not recommend trying to make dual motors work on your very first build. Also, scooter motors are just not the best choice for a bunch of reasons.
Thank you, but that information wasntt helpful, you told me to go buy a kit..but that's not what I want to know. Iv put the kit ones together before but I'm wanting to expand my knowledge so I'm able to repair and fix them properly not just replace parts it's not cost effective. Sorry for the confusion on my part

Both the motors work as iv seen them both working, and got them to run myself.

It's all compatible with each other as I have just taken everything off the scooter and out it on the bike, so everything should be compatible with each other. I know I can't rely on what the colours are hence the questions of finding it what wires does what.

I'm only doing this build to educate my self, its not going to be used for anything, it's so I can get a better understanding of how to. Build custom ebikes.
I'm sorry. I was confused by the words you used when you said you "have a new display" and a "new throttle". Now I understand this means that you actually used all the original parts, and not new ones.

Best you get help from someone who uses english the same way you do.
I'm sorry. I was confused by the words you used when you said you "have a new display" and a "new throttle". Now I understand this means that you actually used all the original parts, and not new ones.

Best you get help from someone who uses english the same way you do.
I thought I had worded it clearly, that's my mistake, are you not willing to help? I don't have a teacher like most so I'm learning g everything by the Internet which isn't going so well.
First, clarify how your new display, and new throttle, with different numbers of wires, are sure to be compatible as you just moved them from the scooter to the bike. Is English your primary language?

It is best to purchase controller, display, and throttle, plus everything else connected to the controller, as a package, ESPECIALLY controller and display. Compatibility is limited, sometimes extremely. Usually you can tell this is so when the number of wires going to a particular component are not the same as the replacement.

Error msgs vary for each display. 30h is often some variant of a communication error, often meaning a compatibility problem, often a loose wire. Sometimes it means something completely different. Hopefully you have some docs on the display, or maybe a model number and manufacturer, which you could look up and likely find out just exactly 30h actually means, and also check compatibility with your particular controller, while you're at it.

You have a controller that works with your chosen motor. So, find throttle and display that work with that controller. You do not have to buy the whole kit. Just get the parts that work with what you already have. This is what has caused your current problem.

It is fairly easy to damage or destroy components by connecting them in ways they were not meant to be connected.

Standard ebike throttle has red/black, 5v connection to controller. I have no idea what you originally had, or what the green wire on the replacement throttle is for. Several possibilities. None of them essential to basic functionality.

Display connections are far, FAR more complex, there is programming in there, they are each usually specific to only a narrow range of controllers.

Throttle is a $5 part. If you want to spend time fixing one, that is certainly doable.

A picture of the scooter and motors might be useful. I am mildly interested in how the scooter motors, 2 of them, will be used to drive the ebike. I am thinking of a Razor type vehicle, could be wrong but I can't see it from here.