Battery 2 charging ports


New member
Local time
7:26 AM
Jul 10, 2023
San Francisco
I have a 52v battery with 2 charging ports n 2 xt60 to the controller
My question is can I connect both charging ports together n charge as one port
That is unusual and with no clue as to specs or type of controller and battery and no pictures of either one I would not even have a wild guess other than "probably not" and also the question of why would you want to do that?

Unless you have two separate batteries which would make some sense in which case the answer would be "definitely not".
well if you connected both charging ports to just one plug going to one charger it won't let you charge it any faster than the max charge rate of the charger you have it connected to. Tho if you are asking if you can hook 2 chargers up threw each plug on your battery usually yes you can as long as the 2 chargers don't put out more amps combined than your battery and BMS can safely handle.. a good rule of thumb is to not go more then .5C so for a 10amp battery you would not want to charge at more then 5amps

my battery all have 2 plugs on them one is the charger plug that has the dc barrel plug connecter. and the other which is the plug that plugs into my bike has an x60 plug on it but the wires are both connected together inside the battery so they are basically going to the same wire. So I'm able to hook up my charger with the barrel plug into the on plug and my other charger that has an xt-60 plug into the other so that i can charge almost 2x as fast as if i just had one 2amp charger connected. But because one of my chargers cuts off at 54v rather than 54.6 when it gets to 54v the one charger kicks off and then the other charger still stays charging the battery till it gets to 54.6 and goes to the green led and shuts off the charge.
Putting an 8 amp charge into a 10aH battery is a sure way to dramatically shorten it's life, if not set it on fire.

Charging thru the discharge port is a temporary, emergency procedure, not for regular use. There is no protection against overcharge and the balance function is not activated. This is dangerous.

Standard Barrel plugs are not rated for more than 3 amps, max.

Charging thru both ports at the same time is not something I have EVER seen suggested, even by thrill-seekers.