I just got my first E-bike yesterday and my only complaint is the manual is pretty basic and doesn't cover some of the questions I have about the bike. I bought a Yukon V2 from Voltbike it has a 500w Bafang rear-drive motor with 750w peak power. I read a little about what peak power means and to my understanding the motor can go up to 750W for a short period of time without damaging any of the components. When I use the throttle all the way I noticed on the display that it's drawing well over 750W more like 900~ . when I asked the technicians at Voltbike they just said its normal but that doesn't seem right to me. Any one know more about how the throttles work on E-bikes and how it can safe to draw double what the motor is rated for? I did not change any of the settings in the controller as I don't know enough about it yet.