M5 display makes no sense


New member
Local time
10:33 PM
Sep 20, 2023
Alberta, Canada
Hi, I recently purchased a fat tire 26 inch , 1000W bike, I like the bike but the controller/display M5 is the weak point on the bike, I tried to reprogram it via USB and a laptop using a Bafang on line app but I don't think you can modified the controller factory program and the setup mode is very limited in what you can change, what I don't like is the throttle dependents on the PAS level (1-5) same in the throttle only mode, the PAS mode is not usable since it sprints to the level you choose like level 2 goes immediately to 20 km as soon as you start pedaling, not very safe, also the display doesn't show much information including your speed unless you stop pedaling or let go on the throttle.

I do have another Ebike with a LCD 3 display and KT controller and it's much more flexible in the programming aspect and way more information displayed like current and wattage which on the M5 display are blank, I even thought of replacing the display to a LCD3 and the controller box but this bike wiring harness going to the handlebar has 9 pins instead of the normal 8 and also has a key tided to the handlebar throttle via a 5 pins blue connector which won't much any new controller box so I'm basically stuck at this point. Do someone run similar setup and know a way maybe to replace the M5 display and BMS box to something more programable or some app to get into the controller and reprogram the stupid built in parameters, thanks
Adrian , Alberta, Canada
I think you are hitting on one of the most problematic problems with many of the e bikes on the market today. The mfg's for what every reason is locking these bikes to restrict the owners from modifying the setup to be more in line with their riding style.

Unfortunately most these bikes are not documented well enough to allow the owners to work their way around these restrictions. On top of that its just not simply to change the controller and display because of not having the pin-out information for all the connections points.

Whats the answer to this dilemma, simple refuse to buy these bikes that are locked down. This will over time force the mfg's to provide the path to tuning the bikes to the owners preference.

This is just my POV.
The Ebike that has the features YOU PAID FOR is the ebike you get. If you did not want to get those features, then YOU SHOULD NOT have paid for them.

Until, and unless, people, JUST LIKE YOU, refuse to PAY FOR features like what you got, then you will still get them.

The free market getting what it really wants depends, to a large extent, on the buyer paying attention to what he is paying for.

Also, on him not being an idiot.
I think you are hitting on one of the most problematic problems with many of the e bikes on the market today. The mfg's for what every reason is locking these bikes to restrict the owners from modifying the setup to be more in line with their riding style.

Unfortunately most these bikes are not documented well enough to allow the owners to work their way around these restrictions. On top of that its just not simply to change the controller and display because of not having the pin-out information for all the connections points.

Whats the answer to this dilemma, simple refuse to buy these bikes that are locked down. This will over time force the mfg's to provide the path to tuning the bikes to the owners preference.

This is just my POV.
Thanks for your input, I bought this bike on line (Amazon) the bike itself is very good with 21 speeds but the programming really sucks, I read all the several reviews but no one mentioned the program, my guess these people are first time ebike buyers so they think that's the way they should behave... I think the solution will be buying a new display, a new bms/controller and standard harness, they are relatively cheap these days.
I'll will loose the motorcycle built in throttle style and key and instead install a tumbi style which I prefer...same as my other bike, the only think that is standard on this bike wiring is the connection to the motor...I tested it using my other bike controller and display and it worked fine, so no problem there.
Like you mentioned looks like the controller programming it's decided by the manufacturer and permanently flashed into the eprom so no way to change it, it's too bad, mind you all the apps to do reprogramming seems to work only on mid drive motors, wondering why?

Anyway appreciated your help on the matter,
Hi, just an update, I'm been riding this bike on throttle mode only since it's the only safe way to do it , with the pedal assist disconnected, I still have to use the level button (1-5) to control the speed which it's not very convenient but it's controllable specially riding with a group or in a trail where you share with pedestrians and pets, still looking for a better controller match but I don't think there are any available yet...but the cycling season is fast coming to a close on my neck of the woods so maybe next year there will be something usable in the market unless somebody has any suggestions, Cheers Adrian
Hi, just an update, I'm been riding this bike on throttle mode only since it's the only safe way to do it , with the pedal assist disconnected, I still have to use the level button (1-5) to control the speed which it's not very convenient but it's controllable specially riding with a group or in a trail where you share with pedestrians and pets, still looking for a better controller match but I don't think there are any available yet...but the cycling season is fast coming to a close on my neck of the woods so maybe next year there will be something usable in the market unless somebody has any suggestions, Cheers Adrian
Hi Adrian how do you disconnect the pedal assist
Hi, you have to go into the setup menu and pick the option, google M5 display and there are a lot of videos
showing how to do it, the program can not be changed but some basic things can, my other bike with a LC3 display
and controller is way more flexible in programming and I may change this bike for it if I can find a 9 pin connecting cable to
the handlebar display, which is not available yet...