A lot of railway companies here in the UK have bans on carrying ebikes & electric scooters onbroard trains. Some won't even allow you to charge batteries at train stations, though where you'd charge them I don't know. You can carry your lithium powered smart phones, laptops, electric powered wheelchairs & even if your ebike or scooter meets the safety requirements, you still can't bring them onbroard. You could always remove the battery & hide it in your rucksack & there are these fireproof bags approved by the firebrigade. A lot of businesses that won't allow employees to bring there ebikes, scooters onto the premises & what with thefts of ebikes on the rise & nowhere to lock them safely, people will continue to use their cars. If our government is so concerned about global warming, you'd think they'd at least provide secure places where you could leave your bike. The government runs a scheme where you can get a discount on buying an electric bike & accessories, yet they won't provide secure parking, totally insane.