Based on munirider's comment, I looked a bit more. (
LINK) It sounds like the city proper is flat, and I remember it that way. But I also remember long hills coming into town from the south, where I rented a bike, and a huge hill coming from a park, which I think was SW of town and pretty hilly in the reservoir too...
Maybe The Thing to Do is bring the folding eBike and folding bike and if it's too hard, just drive that, because that means we'll be outside the downtown proper.
To Chuy's point, the downtown area is charming, but there isn't 4 days worth of things to do there, now that I think on it. Maybe a couple days Ft Collins and then take the mountainous drive to Aspen, which I've always wanted to see. Do you think all the roads would be open in late September or are they already knee-deep in snow by then?
I talked with The Purchasing Department yesterday. She agreed to split the cost of an XP 3.0 with extended range battery or put that amount toward a One, my choice. (We have a house account, but keep our discretionary money separate, as she's a saver and I'm a spender and we each had bad experiences in past marriages re. that) She also said if we do that, she'd like me to sell the folding acoustic bike, which I haven't used but once. (reasonable)
I'm also keeping an eye on Facebook Marketplace, XP 3.0s come up pretty often. I might take a chance on a used one if I have a good feeling about the owner and the battery condition. The ones in good shape are mostly asking $700-800, but if the battery is shot from "keeping it topped off", that money would easily be lost replacing a battery that was left charged for months at a time. It's smart of Lectric to keep the prices low, so they aren't competing much with the used ones and most people trying to sell them don't seem aware that battery condition anxiety really detracts from the value.
I found one with 2k miles for $525, but it needs a brake lever and pads; I don't think I want to get into changing hydraulic brake systems.