Throttle issue(error code 08)


New member
Local time
3:03 PM
May 27, 2023
So I have a diy 1500w Violmart kit with an integrated controller that I built around 1.5 years ago.Everything was going great untill recently, my throttle stops working randomly and the display shows error code 08(throttle issue according to handbook). For example, I'm cruising, it stops working, I turn the bike off and manually pedal for like 5 minutes, turn it on again, it works for another half mile, then the cycle repeats. It doesn't suddenly cut out just sort of gradually sputters out till it doesn't work at all.I've already tried to buy a new throttle but it didn't work :(. Anyone know what the problem could be and what I could do to fix it??
Water ingress somewhere into the throttle?
Controller going to go out on ya?

All wires connected properly still?

Welcome to our humble home by the way :cool:
Water ingress somewhere into the throttle?
Controller going to go out on ya?

All wires connected properly still?

Welcome to our humble home by the way :cool:
Thank you. I changed the throttle for a new one so it can't be water. Wires are fine and I even tried to clean the connecters using alcohol and a little brush. It could be the controller, but since it's in the hub I would need to get a whole motor kit, so I'm hoping it could be something else.
I hate to say it but if it is the controller and you cant find just that as a replacement you'll need a whole hub motor so might as well buy the
Voilamart 1500w kit in my opinion. It'll get ya where ya need to go ;)

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I have that kit on a walmart schwinn with a 52v 35ah battery running great since 2018 (y)
I hate to say it but if it is the controller and you cant find just that as a replacement you'll need a whole hub motor so might as well buy the
Voilamart 1500w kit in my opinion. It'll get ya where ya need to go ;)

Yep, ended up buying a whole new kit again. Thanks
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Дакле, имам Виолмарт комплет од 1500в који сам урадио сам са интегрисаним контролером који сам направио пре око 1,5 године. Све је ишло одлично до недавно, мој гас престаје да ради насумично и на дисплеју се приказује код грешке 08 (проблем са гасом према приручнику). На пример, крстарим, престане да ради, искључим бицикл и ручно педалирам неких 5 минута, поново га упалим, ради још пола миље, онда се циклус понавља. Не искључује се одједном, већ постепено прска све док уопште не ради. Већ сам покушао да купим нови гас али није ишло :(. Да ли неко зна у чему би могао бити проблем и шта бих могао да урадим да га поправим??imam isti problem, sta mi preporucujes hso resenje ?