The Ebike is the slow death of the planet.


New member
Local time
9:44 PM
Feb 2, 2021
General Director of Euro Exim Bank Ltd. got economists thinking when he said:
"A cyclist is a disaster for the country's economy: he does not buy cars and does not borrow money to buy. He does not pay for insurance policies. He does not buy fuel, does not pay for the necessary maintenance and repairs. He does not use paid parking. He does not cause serious accidents. He does not require multi-lane highways. He does not get fat. Healthy people are neither needed nor useful for the economy. They don't buy medicine. They do not go to hospitals or doctors. Nothing is added to the country's GDP. On the contrary, every new McDonald's restaurant creates at least 30 jobs: 10 cardiologists, 10 dentists, 10 dietary experts and nutritionists, and obviously, people who work at the restaurant itself."

Choose carefully: cyclist or McDonald's? It is worth considering.

P.S. Walking is even worse. Pedestrians don't even buy bicycles.

I think cyclists buy cars. They make sure they buy cars that make it easy to carry bikes.
-They buy receiver trailer hitches for hitch mount bike carriers.
-Most cyclists don't ride to work daily. Just a few days per week.
-I love that t-shirt!
I had motorcycles for yrs though I never really clocked up any real milage as I've always had a bicycle in the background. I've two ebikes now, a 250w & a 1000w, so I suppose I am a consumer now as I have to buy batteries every five yrs or so. Love the tea shirt mug & the smile & this is the second time I've seen this quote, the other was twitter a few days back.
I guess you are exhaling. We need two ebikes, like you, one for backup since shop time is at least a week. But you also have a m'cycle backup. I dont own a car or m'cycle just a 250w Tern.
I am not exactly what you would call a "cyclist" In fact I never was. I rode bicycles for recreation only. I got into mountain biking, but not on a really serious level. I am now disabled, which is why I have an ebike. I still enjoy riding bicycles, but can no longer pedal. But bicycles have never been a means of transportation for me. I also ride motorcycles and scooters. I have 2 Harleys and one Vespa scooter. They are also for recreational use. Not used for transportation. I own 3 cars and a truck. Only the truck is used for transportation. The 3 cars are vintage and are one of my main hobbies, just like motorcycles and bicycles. They are insured and registered as collector vehicles. They are driven very little, and only for enjoyment. I live in Phoenix, AZ, so for half the year, no vehicle without A/C is useable for transportation. It was 121 degrees F here yesterday. As for what that guy thinks, well, I can't use that kind of language here.
General Director of Euro Exim Bank Ltd. got economists thinking when he said:
"A cyclist is a disaster for the country's economy: he does not buy cars and does not borrow money to buy. He does not pay for insurance policies. He does not buy fuel, does not pay for the necessary maintenance and repairs. He does not use paid parking. He does not cause serious accidents. He does not require multi-lane highways. He does not get fat. Healthy people are neither needed nor useful for the economy. They don't buy medicine. They do not go to hospitals or doctors. Nothing is added to the country's GDP. On the contrary, every new McDonald's restaurant creates at least 30 jobs: 10 cardiologists, 10 dentists, 10 dietary experts and nutritionists, and obviously, people who work at the restaurant itself."

Choose carefully: cyclist or McDonald's? It is worth considering.

P.S. Walking is even worse. Pedestrians don't even buy bicycles.

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Are you, not you specifically, belly aching about a picayune subject, massaging it to death as black and white? Most bikers are in the grey area spending gobs of money here and there and not centering life around the lowly ebike, worshipping it as a God. Ebikes came into their lives later in life as an added dimension of happiness, not waiting at the cradle to take over their lives. So, it is low on the priority list and didnt even make the Bucket List. Dont fret that their not spending will infringe on your freedoms.
You will not see any change in your lifetime due the increase in popularity of ebikes. You see, it is a small niche product that wont affect spending in any major niche or market or economy. So, feel free to enjoy the freedom and happiness to own and ride an ebike to your heart's content, but not you specifically.
I think this is typical internet click-bait BS. Can anyone validate who the person is who wrote this or that he actually holds a position with this bank?
To justify the ebike's existence where it is not necessary is an unexpected delight, because it is a positive thing in a negative world. People make ebikes the positive things they are. Ebikes are nothing without people who throw passion and love on them as they are partners in commuting and adventures. It's a personal thing, sometimes with a name. Some may be envious and throw mud on the niche ebike by attacking manufacturers, dealers and users as depleting or polluting something. So, be it. It takes 660 gallons of water to make one hamburger patty. Attack that.
Half of the ebikers wouldn’t even be on the road if they didn’t have batteries. Those who need and will pay for better facilities. The technology is providing more opportunities for capitalism to make a buck. Not less.
Its click bait bs
General Director of Euro Exim Bank Ltd. got economists thinking when he said:
"A cyclist is a disaster for the country's economy: he does not buy cars and does not borrow money to buy. He does not pay for insurance policies. He does not buy fuel, does not pay for the necessary maintenance and repairs. He does not use paid parking. He does not cause serious accidents. He does not require multi-lane highways. He does not get fat. Healthy people are neither needed nor useful for the economy. They don't buy medicine. They do not go to hospitals or doctors. Nothing is added to the country's GDP. On the contrary, every new McDonald's restaurant creates at least 30 jobs: 10 cardiologists, 10 dentists, 10 dietary experts and nutritionists, and obviously, people who work at the restaurant itself."

Choose carefully: cyclist or McDonald's? It is worth considering.

P.S. Walking is even worse. Pedestrians don't even buy bicycles.

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I am not exactly what you would call a "cyclist" In fact I never was. I rode bicycles for recreation only. I got into mountain biking, but not on a really serious level. I am now disabled, which is why I have an ebike. I still enjoy riding bicycles, but can no longer pedal. But bicycles have never been a means of transportation for me. I also ride motorcycles and scooters. I have 2 Harleys and one Vespa scooter. They are also for recreational use. Not used for transportation. I own 3 cars and a truck. Only the truck is used for transportation. The 3 cars are vintage and are one of my main hobbies, just like motorcycles and bicycles. They are insured and registered as collector vehicles. They are driven very little, and only for enjoyment. I live in Phoenix, AZ, so for half the year, no vehicle without A/C is useable for transportation. It was 121 degrees F here yesterday. As for what that guy thinks, well, I can't use that kind of language here.
Hi Big Bob,I'm Victor Thomas or VicTom but never a victim.Your vehicle run down is EXCELLENT,here's mine . I'm down to my 04 Softail, which I put 87,000 miles on up until 2018 when I cut back on the big bike,1 Tower Beachbum2 Ebike, which I really enjoy,a late 50's Raleigh single speed step thru(better known as a womens bike)that rolls down the streets as smooth as the day it was new. I was in the salvage business for years,my life is much slower now and I guess I'll get a automobile when I want to get outta here. Here is long island NY. Been to Buckeye Arizona some years back to live.Too many issues back east here so bailed out. Thinking of it again, don't be liking the cold winters much anymore...
And I'd like to say don't even bother commenting on the fool about us bicyclers, he's probably just another corrupt politician talking head that never worked an honest day in his life
Director of Exim Bank has such a sense of humor, because nothing will stop bikes nor the small niche world market for ebikes. When you throw mud on something, it has the opposite effect, it grows exponentially more. He wants the market to grow beyond the naysayers wildest dreams. Just think how long it took him to compose the negative piece. Its great. It'll do its job.
Don' t care! Just bought a Himiway Cruiser. Can't wait to get it and start using my cars less. :devilish:
Welcome to the Himiway family @HIMI-RICK
Be sure to send me a DM or call/text at 858-602-2532 if I can help you in any way. Want to get rid of the 28MPH speed limiter? There’s a youTube vid for that. Want to fine tune the motor assist from 0-5 to 0-9? Yup, there’s a YouTube vid for that too. It’s a great eBike, hope you truly enjoy it.
Buy ebikes, a backup ebike and ebike kits. Ecars will deplete resources much faster than ebikes. Thats a good thing to save the planet. You cant do anything without depleting something so, might as well be a benefit somewhere. Scales of justice.