plenty exiting for me though, i cannot say i never crashed , i had the worst body-re-arranging accident on its older version , the pl350, goes to show how sometimes , speed is not the issue, so when i upgraded to that beast , it was thrilling enough for this old guy
i got these after another accident that left me...let's say i came close ...and i never thought i could ride again , ebikes got me walking, working and living again , i had my life back and i could not believe it ! then the ebike accident ...bad one , i forced myself to ride again , and now i am almost fully functional again, bionx gave me that little boost i needed, :" go for it , if your body fails i got you" and i got back on track baby !
i may not be the speed junkie anymore , but the thrill is still there , just as intense as it ever was , keep rolling buddy!