rear tire replacement - BPM 750W


Local time
7:36 PM
Mar 19, 2022
Has anyone been successful in replacing the rear tire on a bike with a rear hub motor? I recently replaced the front
tire but, I'm a bit hesitant to replace the rear tire myself for fear of not being able to get the tire to run true
after replacing the tire. BTW I have a 750 W BPM fat tire mountain bike. Thanks, Tom
SFAIK, everybody, or damn near, who has tried it. Other than being careful of the wire exit side, which can be easily damaged if you lay the rim on that side, largely because of the greatly increased weight, which also makes it a bit awkward, but it is a bicycle rim with a bicycle tire, they fit just like an unpowered bike.

For those few bikes with no quick disconnect on the wiring to the hub, it can get REAL awkward, but that is the result of a poor purchasing decision.
I don't have a quick disconnect on the rear like I do on the front. Looks like I might be making a trip to
a bike shop when the time comes to replace the rear tire.