Rail Bikes!!!


New member
Local time
11:43 PM
Jun 5, 2024
Blue Ridge, Ga
Hello gang, My name is Mike and I run a lot of rail bikes up and down railroad tracks. I am currently running a Bafang 750w bbs02 with just a throttle. Zero pedal assist, just throttle.
I used to work for an e-bike hunting company and helped design batteries, controllers, and hub motors for this company with the help of Grin Tech. But, they eventually sold out and started trying to mass produce crystallyte through china.
Here's a pic of one our rigs.......... I'm just trying to fine tune these lil beasts for my employer.
E-bikes can be great hunting transportation. Nice and quiet with enough power to haul a deer out of the woods.
looks like a good app for those low powered motors.just make sure there are no trains coming,how do you derail these things.?
looks like a good app for those low powered motors.just make sure there are no trains coming,how do you derail these things.?
man we have alot of rr tracks but what constitutes them being a trail for bikers?
That is cool as heck! Never heard of such a thing but looks like fun, especially with battery power.

Of course, I’d be the guy who decided to unknowingly ride on a track which is still in use by locomotives. :oops:

i've rode a few rr tracks in augusta county va just not much
buckingham branch actually owns the "cardinal line" in augusta co. now according to my understanding and chessie system only uses it occasionly,there are a few lines that are basically abandoned now in alleghany like the spur line to the old hercules plant,the hot springs line was abandoned and took up in the 70's-now its a jackson river bike trail that goes to cedar creek now.
Welcome from SE Wisconsin.
Interesting background and interesting hobby, with the rail cars. Looks like a mid drive eBike motor hanging off the bottom of it?
Seems like it would be too heavy, unless it is REALLY geared down...
Welcome from SE Wisconsin.
Interesting background and interesting hobby, with the rail cars. Looks like a mid drive eBike motor hanging off the bottom of it?
Seems like it would be too heavy, unless it is REALLY geared down...
well you have a hp to pull it with the proper gearing given how little friction there is on the steel rails and gentle railroad grages probable feasible,i would rig up some sort of human assist though.