This site looks like it will be a GREAT resource... I downloaded the package the contains "KarlsGuide.pdf", which contains a TON of good info and directions... but none of the highlighted links work... like "... For instruction manuals for all three display types look here.", or "...More info on those three items can be found in this article."...?? .... Has anyone found the locations for the two very (potentially) valuable sites...( for display manuals and programming instruction and cable info...)
My project is setting up an adult, seven speed, Trike... the construction part worked great, but it's scary fast....for a 76 year old duffer, that just wants to gently cruise around my hilly neighborhood !! Glad to have joined this group, Cheers... Dave
My project is setting up an adult, seven speed, Trike... the construction part worked great, but it's scary fast....for a 76 year old duffer, that just wants to gently cruise around my hilly neighborhood !! Glad to have joined this group, Cheers... Dave