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I recently fixed one of our e-bikes with a new rear hub motor and controller.
I wanted to get the stock lights working again, but am having trouble figuring it all out. If anyone know some of this puzzle please give input on any if not all of my questions. Thank you in advance. I BOLD'ed the text of my actual questions in case you don't want to read all the background/details.
The old controller integrated inputs from the handlebar switch (horn, turn signal, headlight on/off), and output to the combo taillight and headlight/horn. My new controller has a simple 48v headlight positive/neg pair of wires only.
Head light/horn. I think I got this one. It needed a 48v which threw me for a loop when I was testing with a 12v power supply. It is a 4 wire unit. Black=ground. Red=light. green=low power running light. Blue=horn.
Taillight is a combo light that includes turn signals, brakes and running light. It has 2 sets of wires. A Yellow and green pair, on its own plug, which I think are + voltage right and left turn signals. The main wiring plug has 4 wires. Black=ground, red=+taillight. Then there is a blue and white wire. I am thinking that one is either + or - and the other is the signal wire from the brake lever. Is the signal wire a + or -? I guess I need to understand the brake lever wires better. Any insight how this all works?
Brake lever. 3 wires come out of the brake lever. What do these do, and how does it interact with the brake light?
Switch. This one is the most confusing. The switch has 3 functions: horn, headlight (on/off), and turn signals. The wires have 2 connectors. The blue and red pair plug directly into the tail light/turn signal, so assuming these are both + power depending on which signal is selected. The other connectors house 4 wires, black, yellow, white and red. Red and black wires are continuous when the horn button is pressed. The Red and white when the headlight is turned on. Makes me think that Red is + and sends power to the black (horn) and white (headlight) when called upon. Now there is the last Yellow wire, which is continuous with the R/L turn signal buttons (blue and red pair). Could the yellow and red wires both be + inputs? Why not just 1? Is the red a higher amp wires to serve the higher power demand of the headlight and horn, and yellow lower power demand of the turn signal. What if I use the single +48v wire from the new controller to power everything?

ebike down. Died going uphill.
HI All, I need some help. I bought my son an amazon "V8" e-moped 2 years ago. 48v 500w. Put about 1200 miles on. It has been great, and takes everything we have thrown at it till about a month ago. Son 1 and 2 together (250lbs of the 300 capacity) were riding up hill and it starts to get really...
The old controller integrated inputs from the handlebar switch (horn, turn signal, headlight on/off), and output to the combo taillight and headlight/horn. My new controller has a simple 48v headlight positive/neg pair of wires only.
Head light/horn. I think I got this one. It needed a 48v which threw me for a loop when I was testing with a 12v power supply. It is a 4 wire unit. Black=ground. Red=light. green=low power running light. Blue=horn.
Taillight is a combo light that includes turn signals, brakes and running light. It has 2 sets of wires. A Yellow and green pair, on its own plug, which I think are + voltage right and left turn signals. The main wiring plug has 4 wires. Black=ground, red=+taillight. Then there is a blue and white wire. I am thinking that one is either + or - and the other is the signal wire from the brake lever. Is the signal wire a + or -? I guess I need to understand the brake lever wires better. Any insight how this all works?
Brake lever. 3 wires come out of the brake lever. What do these do, and how does it interact with the brake light?
Switch. This one is the most confusing. The switch has 3 functions: horn, headlight (on/off), and turn signals. The wires have 2 connectors. The blue and red pair plug directly into the tail light/turn signal, so assuming these are both + power depending on which signal is selected. The other connectors house 4 wires, black, yellow, white and red. Red and black wires are continuous when the horn button is pressed. The Red and white when the headlight is turned on. Makes me think that Red is + and sends power to the black (horn) and white (headlight) when called upon. Now there is the last Yellow wire, which is continuous with the R/L turn signal buttons (blue and red pair). Could the yellow and red wires both be + inputs? Why not just 1? Is the red a higher amp wires to serve the higher power demand of the headlight and horn, and yellow lower power demand of the turn signal. What if I use the single +48v wire from the new controller to power everything?