Key Switch/Lock, LCD Status Screen, Twist throttle wiring - IdeaPlay P10 Plus


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9:26 AM
Dec 13, 2021
Central Pennsylvania
I have a 36 volt 350 watt IdeaPlay P10 Plus folding ebike I recently purchased for $100 on FaceBook marketplace. It had a not fully broken twist throttle but after my first ride it was non-functional. After 2 days of searching and only seeing my exact type of lcd screen/key switch/lock ignition twist throttle on ali express with fastest delivery not until next month. I made the decision to cut the twisting part off of the LCD Screen and Key switch. Looking back since I have learned a little all I would have had to do was change out the twist part. Painful lesson learned Ed. However I had to cut all the wiring apart to get the broken stuff completely off trying to be proactive I thought I could just match the wires when soldering them back together. I was so wrong.., If anyone is willing to assist obviously you can answer me here or Facebook messenger my Facebook is linked here in my profile. This as descriptive as I can be please don’t hesitate to ask any questions. This is similar to a jetson bolt. No pedals all electric.

To the best of my knowledge I am going to explain to you how it was wired from I am assuming factory. If there are other ways that you know of that are better or whatever that I can wire it I am totally fine with that. I just want to be able to ride it again and I didn't want to connect s**t together and burn something up. I can eliminate the key if that would make it easier its nice to have but not a must have. The lcd screen I would really like to keep because it shows all the important stuff

> 3 position key switch
1. Off
2. Bike on
3. Bike on and front light and rear light are on. There is also a braking indicator on rear light. On the back of the key switch there are 2 soldering terminals on the top on the (left terminal there was a orange wire) soldered to it. The soldering terminal on the right had a (red wire and a yellow wire) soldered to it. (The red wire went up to the lcd screen) also. On the bottom of the key lock/switch there is one soldering terminal that a (white wire) was soldered to. On my motor controller there is no white wire in the lcd harness or the throttle harness. So I am not sure where the white wire goes to.


The LCD screen has a speedometer/odometer a battery level indicator, and a mode/gear indicator shows whether you are in gear 1 2 or 3. It has one button that you can tweak settings in the different menu's. There is a red wire that's shared with Key switch/lock, black wire shared with the twist throttle for ground. A green wire, brown wire.

Red Wire- +5v power Black Wire shared with LCD screen for ground Blue Wire- Speed/data sense.

Motor Controller

The only wires I was able to verify voltage and polarity on with my multimeter were the (Red wire +36v and black ground from battery.)
Red wire 5v for throttle and Black wire are on there own connection.
I am assuming they are for the throttle but again I could not verify voltage.
The rest of the wires in the same harness as the 36 volt wires are as follows.

Blue wire- Not sure of voltage or label Data/Sense for connects to throttle.

Green Wire- Not sure of voltage or label connects to LCD Screen.

Yellow Wire- Not sure of voltage or label connects to right side terminal of key switch/lock.

Brown Wire- Not sure of voltage or label connects to LCD Screen.

Orange Wire- Not sure of voltage or label connects to left terminal of key switch/lock

Black Wire- Assuming it is ground for +5v for throttle also connects to LCD screen.

I have not been able to find a 100% same diagram of exactly what I have, I can connect the blue to the throttle,the green to LCD Screen, the yellow to the key switch/lock and the orange to the other side of the key switch the I believe +5v from the throttle and ground I could also connect. The few things I have no freaking clue of is where does the +36v wire should connect to because I don't believe the Key switch or the LCD screen would handle that straight connection without being burnt up. Is there something I connect to the 36v+ to lower the voltage or split it up? What the hell does the white wire do if it isn't connected to anything at the motor controller?
I'm not sure why you seem to be cutting into so many wires, if the only problem was the throttle not working.

In my experience the throttle controls generally just have 3 wires, which are positive, negative and the control output from the throttle, and personally I'd just try buying another throttle control from eBay or AliExpress
You are absolutely correct, I figured that out after I cut the connectors off. I honestly wish I had known that before I decided to just start cutting stuff. At the time I didn't know I could just replace the throttle I thought I had to replace the keyswitch and lcd screen also. But yes my throttle itself is only 3 wires.
No worries

I hope you can find another thottle that works. Personally I'd just buy whatever is the cheapest 3 wire throttle and see if it works.
You are absolutely correct, I figured that out after I cut the connectors off. I honestly wish I had known that before I decided to just start cutting stuff. At the time I didn't know I could just replace the throttle I thought I had to replace the keyswitch and lcd screen also. But yes my throttle itself is only 3 wires.
Which 3 wires was for the throttle
I have a 36 volt 350 watt IdeaPlay P10 Plus folding ebike I recently purchased for $100 on FaceBook marketplace...
I know I am reviving a dead thread, but I am pretty sure I bought your bike and just found your post looking for a solution to the same problem. I can't believe how little info there is out there on it. I have found answers after giving up on projects in the past though, so I thought I would reach out and ask if you ever happened to find any better info? Either way you might like to know that it didn't end up in the trash.