How to find serial number on Happy Run Tank G-50


New member
Local time
2:03 AM
Dec 21, 2024
Tampa, FL
Forgive me if this is in the wrong place, but I searched for "Serial Number" threads and found nothing. I just received my new ebike, a Happy Run Tank G-60. I have a GPS for it, but I need to serial number to register it. I was told to look under the bike, near the pedals, but its not there. Does anyone know where the serial number would be on this model?
Forgive me if this is in the wrong place, but I searched for "Serial Number" threads and found nothing. I just received my new ebike, a Happy Run Tank G-60. I have a GPS for it, but I need to serial number to register it. I was told to look under the bike, near the pedals, but its not there. Does anyone know where the serial number would be on this model?
It is probably stamped into the head tube of the frame. That is where the front fork inserts thru the frame.
Don't see it there. I think, when I get off work, I'll look in the battery enclosure.
It should be stamped deep in to some part of the frame, not a part that can be taken off. Otherwise is serves no purpose. Another place to look might be under / on the bottomside of the bottom bracket. Where the pedals mount is called the bottom bracket,
Mystery solved! For all who need to know, the serial number on my HappyRun Tank G50 is behind the headlight, under the handlebars. It is black, the bike is black, so very difficult to see...I ran my hand over it and felt the raised Serial Number! I shined a light on it and took a pic so I can see it. Thanks for all the help.