Do you realize how many times people look at my bulky ebike build, with controller ontop of the back rack, wires everywhere under the seat, then wrapped around the top tube to go to the handle bar, then the rear 3000W hub motor that is huge, not even 1/3 covered by a basket where my batteries are, and the other side wide open?
Hardly ever, the only time is when it looks like I am riding differently then a normal bicyclist. Meaning me feet are off the pedals yet I am motoring up a steep 10% hill at a good speed.
I ride a lot, and I watch people. Sure direct drive is silent, but the drag is there. Geared motors people can hear you coming up from behind.
So you got pannier bags on both sides covering the hub motor really well, hide the wires better, camoflauge the open controller.
Do you think any city authority donut eating figure is going to know my bike is an ebike? NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unless I am doing stupid things, like wheelies, speeding, pissing people off, scaring people and their dogs and their children. Just dont stick out.
I never understood why the EU crowd and some NA crowd are concerned about local laws. I never understood that.