I am a new E-bike owner. I have a Cliensy folding E-bike and I am having a problem shifting gears. Each time I rotate the pedals, I hear a clanking sound from the area of the chain. It seems like the bike is trying to change gears although I haven't done anything with the gears. The bike rides ok but I had not heard this kind of sound until recently. I assume this is an easy problem to correct but I am a novice about this. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Hi, Bob. I am assuming you’re talking about the “mechanical” gears, and nothing to do with electronics. IF that’s the case, it’s just an adjustment of the derailleur…the thing that pushes the chain to the next gear. It’s dependent upon the cable from your shifter. My bike has 21 speeds (mechanical). There are 7 sprockets on the back wheel and 3 on the pedals.
If you’re mechanically inclined, take a look at the mechanism. Mine (Clientsy Mtn bike) has two small screws for adjustment…one tightens, one loosens. There’s an adjuster for both.
The easiest way is to flip the bike upside down, where you can adjust while turning the pedals and shifting (may need an extra hand). You want to start with the low gear smoothly shifting to 2nd. Then do the same shifting from high to the next lower gear. Ultimately, you’ll want to check them all.
Usually a perfect adjustment in low gears doesn’t guarantee perfection in them all. Most times, this adjustment is a compromise…the best, on average, across all gears.
IF you’re not comfortable doing this, just take it to a conventional bike shop. Nothing here involves electronics, so any bike tech should be able to adjust it. Everyone knows Shimano shifters!
I hope this helps.
Now, I need your help!
My Clientsy mountain bike has a problem you can help me with. I have an E-10 ERROR, which I learned is a Communications error. I think I may have located and fixed it. My problem: I don’t know how to CLEAR an error!
Our bikes are the same brand. Did you get a manual or support phone or email? I didn’t either.
My Controller has 17 registers of configuration info. I know what each register does, but the values within are wrong.
You may already know this: To access the registers, with power on, hold down the UP and DOWN buttons simultaneously. It’ll show you register #1, with it’s contents below. On mine, Reg1 is the Backlight brightness of the display. To sequence thru, press the middle button. Each press, the Reg number changes, and displays the contents below. For example, Reg
#3 is the motor voltage…Reg#6 is wheel size!
(don’t know why I’m in italics!?!)
Would you look and see if your bike also has 17 registers? If so, we can assume we have the same controller.
If 17 is the number, would you please write down the contents of each one? Each is a number. If you’d like to know the purpose of each Reg, I can send that to you.
I allowed an acquaintance (who said he knew eBikes) to try and fix it. Instead, he scrambled all my registers! Being able to restore this info will get me closer to a fix.
If you by chance have a support number for Clientsy, that would be wonderful, too.
If your folder has the same display and electronics as my mountain bike, we can help each other going forward.
Many thanks in advance,
Ira Madsen