FULL PROJECT PREVIEW: the PAPERBOY® Light Hybrid eBike with Gaming Roots

I’m Steve Wilcox.

I’m a co-founder of Elite Systems Ltd (est. 1984), the UK’s oldest continually operating developer and publisher of computer and video games.

I’m also a co-creator of the PAPERBOY®, a light hybrid eBike we’ll be launching soon via a campaign on Indiegogo.

We’re posting here because:

- we’d like you to know our campaign’s going live shortly and to invite your feedback before it does.

We’re also posting to invite you to:

- enjoy a Preview of the Indiegogo campaign for the PAPERBOY® eBike,

- test ride the PAPERBOY® eBike before or whilst our Indiegogo campaign is live and

- join our referral program and if you do, you’ll to earn US$50 (or the Sterling equivalent) for every pledge you refer.

Here’s the URL of the Preview (where you can sign-up for a test ride and for a campaign launch notification):


Also ... we’re creating a 2nd short film about the PAPERBOY® eBike; the “2,000Km Teardown”.

The “2,000Km Teardown” is the name we’re giving, to the short film we’re creating, about the 2,000Km* road test of the PAPERBOY® eBike which we conducted during the British winter of 2020 / 21.

The short film will be published on the day the Indiegogo campaign for the PAPERBOY® eBike goes live.

You can get an insight into the “2,000km Teardown” at the following link above.

Here’s the link to our Media Kit:


Please let us have your feedback, so that we can re-fine our campaign further before it goes live, by posting here or by sending a direct message to:

Steve Wilcox, Director

Correspondence Address (New - Oct ’18):49 Sandfield Meadow, WS13 6NH, UK T: 07775 696564 E: steve.wilcox@elite-systems.co.uk

Elite EV (‘Elite Electric Vehicle’) is a trading style of a special purpose vehicle created for Elite's vehicle, auction and other ex-entertainment activities. Co. # 09192829 http://elite-systems.co.uk


  • PAPERBOY® Light Hybrid eBike.jpeg
    PAPERBOY® Light Hybrid eBike.jpeg
    104.6 KB · Views: 2,736
At first I thought you said you created the Paperboy video game! Clean looking ebike though, thanks for sharing.