Federal law prohibiting classifying e bikes of 750w and below as motor vehicles

I agree with all those things, and some of them are already in place (the 20 mph speed limit on paths comes to mind immediately). We have speed limits, and rules that say 'max speed should never be faster than what is safe for conditions' which covers every conceivable scenario you can think up. Also, cars have no class system and speed limits work just fine.

But we don't live in a world where many don't seek out every opportunity to wag their fingers at you, or make new redundant laws. Also think for a minute about the state of the bicycle manufacturer and retailer world when ebike laws were introduced. The laws we have now in part became what they are via bicycle industry influence to tamp ebike use down (this being before the industry figured out they were here to stay, and how they could make money off of them).

Now that the mainstream industry is thoroughly invested in this game, and the ebike using population is on the way to making them ubiquitous, we'll slowly see a shift away from regulation (no less than a decade from now). Remember it took decades for derailleurs to be accepted as not being a dishonorable cheat. In the present day that viewpoint is so far off the mark its hard to even credit as being true.

In the meantime, there will be whining. So get out your earplugs.
It's an interesting point you made about the bicycle manufacturers and retailers... I usually always follow the money but didn't. Your point opens the window wider and adds ammo to the debate. It would be healthy if us 'wee' people had organization and a voice up the hill. This forum is a key connection. But I think our state reps likely don't realize the points we'd make with them, with out explanations. We will be overlooked if we don't tell them about biker's realities because they have no idea and only hear the bad stuff. So, I write to them. So should many...
Yes, but there are not yet claims of high speed or excessive power was involved in that crash. It was a well beloved and well-connected woman who died. It drew a much stronger response than if it was a homeless person had died. It also involves a youth on an eBike. Some people would presume recklessness due to the age of the eBike rider, with no clear statements which indicated such a thing was a factor.

In all my years of motorcycle riding, I have seen fatal 15 Mph motorcycle wrecks. Some people have an unlucky landing or were older and less robust. As such, it is often referred to as an "eggshell death" (meaning someone who was younger would only have had bruises and scuffs; and older person is more fragile).

I do a fair amount of riding on the streets, and sometimes trails. I always beep my horn twice and call out "on your left" as I am approaching. Far too often the other people are listening to music with earphones stuck in their ears while exercising. They never hear my horn, nor the call of "on your left". I guess this places an additional burden on the eBike rider.

I ended up going off the left side of a trail today because of a music lover, who panicked when he realized he was being passed on the left. He was on an eBike too. As soon as I was past his erratic swerving, I eased back onto the trail. No contact was involved.

I wish I had an answer; all I have are observations.
Worth mentioning here that bone-conductive 'headphones' are a modern miracle. You can hear your music or phone call and can hear the rest of the world perfectly alongside it. And you can't blast the volume to drown out the world because of their inherent nature.