Electricity is definitely in the air


New member
Local time
7:23 PM
Jul 17, 2024
Baltimore, MD

I have a Heybike Mars (not the 2.0). I've had mine for about 2 years, I think. I seen a coworker with one and I thought it was cool. She had a Sailnovo. I live and commute around Baltimore, MD. I tried to sell the ebike I have when it had only 600 miles on it but no luck. I want a faster bike. I max at only 20mph.

I dont work at that job any more and not in contact with that coworker. Don't know anyone else with a bike to talk to.

I love riding. I used to ride my mountain bike a lot as a kid up to teenage years. I used to ride with my mom and sister in Pittsburgh, PA and different parts of Maryland.

As for electric, I had one of those electric cars as a kid. Was a Batman 1989 style Batmobile. I used to sit my Batman figure that was like 12-14 inches tall next to me. Sadly, I only had one rime out in it. My mom was afraid I would be unsafe. That was back in the early 90s.
In early 2000s, I got this big body electric scooter that looked like a moped. She got it so early, it felt like I had to wait forever for Christmas and when that time came, I had become too heavy for it or something. I took it out and it struggled to move. I was over the 100lb weight limit. It was given to my brother who didn't ride it and I don't know what happened to it after that.

Currently, I... well I did ride my bike to work before I got a flat. I come from east just out of the city to my job near Thurgood Marshall Airport. A nice almost 2hr ride (1.30hr if I punch it). I was halfway to work when I noticed my tire felt soft in the back. Couldn't believe no roadside for bikes. I took a lyft xl home.
I have an escooter but that started malfunctioning so had to walk and take bus/train. I got it working again, was a connection issue with the cords. The handle bars can pop in and out. I think by moving them so much causes stress on the cords that are attached. I'm surprised they didn't accommodate the feature to remove the handle bars with a more secure way to have the cords so the rubber exterior doesn't get pulled back exposing the wires and whatever is inside doesn't easily become detached or damaged. I have to toggle the cords to get it to work correctly sometimes. I just keep the ha.dlebar in place now which makes it harder for me to get in or out of a seat on the bus without the bar pulling on my shirt.

I thought I had fixed my bike's flat by patching it. I even successfully rode it to and from work. Another day, I was on the way and it started leaking air again but faster. I don't know where the air is coming out I checked. I may have not applied the patch properly as when I was supposed to remove the plastic after pressing the adhesive side of the patch on, it started to peel back off easily as I was trying to pull the plastic. I decided to leave it. I'm thinking of just buying a new tube and tire along with a guard in between. I just learned of their existence on Amazon today.

But yeah, I have pictures and stories like how my first issue with my ebike caused me to fool around and got my finger caught in the wheel puncturing the middle of one of my fingernails. That hurt so so bad and took long to heal.

Not sure if I introduced myself properly. I'm never good at I traditions or bios. Hi! Thanks for having me.
I want to try riding one with thin tires like the traditional bikes.
Nice gear, they look reliable. Both yours?
Yeah, just some things i slapped together.
One is a BBSHD mid drive set up (the silver one)
The other is a 1500w voilamart hub drive kit.

Both with 52v 40ah batteries right now.