DIY battery pack - customised nickel strips and battery holders


New member
Local time
6:37 PM
Jan 6, 2025
The Netherlands

I am new in this forum. I hope this is the right place for this post.

My derby cycle battery pack (36v, 17Ah) died after 11 years of use. I have always used a slow charge, always charged in room temperature, stored it around 50% charge when not used,..etc...I am very satisfied...Actually only 3 cells of the pack died...well not really...the cells still work but the positive connection at the top got completely corroded and fell off.

THe cells are the panason8c ncr18650b. I have tested them and they incredibly still have about 3100mah out of the nominal 3400mah.

Anyway, time to change the full battery. But I want two batteries, so I have bought a new one, and i want to build anothet with new batteries using the old case and....yes, finally with a smart BMS with active balancing and bluetooth.

I have always loved batteries and I should know well by education how to dimension a battery pack ( eg., xS, yP, strip thickness depending on motor needs). Recently I also got some understanding/practise about spot welding.

However, as you well know ebike battery packs have often weird patterns to optimise number of allowed cells in strange shaped cases. Mine is very unlucky: the derby cycle irregular battery pack shape of many Kalkhoff ebikes.
Question1: does anyone know where to get the pre shaped nickel formed stripes for that pack? i googled a lot without sucfess. Pure nickel and nickel size is not a problem as I want anyway to make a copper sandwich for the serial connections
Question#2. Less critical than the question#1 as I could get it from old case. Where can I buy the pre-shaped holders. I googled a lot without success either.

Many thanks in advace.
Regards ,
One place to look is google Micah Toll. He offers through his company, cells, nickel strips, etc. I have purchased some parts from him also one of his books.