Classified Area Rules & Guidelines: Marketers and Spammers

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Welcome to the Classified Forum, a place for genuine buying, selling, and trading with the ebike community!

To ensure a positive experience for all members and combat spamming and marketing, please follow these specific rules and guidelines:
  1. No Unsolicited Advertising or Marketing: Do not use this forum to promote your own brand, business, services, or products without prior approval from the moderators. This includes posting links to external websites, social media profiles, or contact information for marketing purposes.
  2. No Spamming: Repeatedly posting the same message, irrelevant content, or brand-promotion is strictly prohibited. This includes posting links to your brand, business, services, or products unrelated to the current discussion.
  3. No Affiliate or Multi-Level Marketing (MLM): Participation in or promotion of any form of affiliate marketing or multi-level marketing schemes is not allowed.
  4. Honest Transactions: Be truthful in your listings and communications. Do not make false claims or misrepresent items. This includes misleading advertising or marketing tactics.
  5. Report Spammers and Marketers: If you see a post that violates these rules, report it to the moderators for review.
By using this forum, you agree to abide by these rules and guidelines. Violations may result in warnings, post deletions, or account bans, at the moderators' discretion.

We strive to maintain a spam-free and marketing-free environment for our community. Thank you for your cooperation!
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