CA Closed Fire Roads - Legal to ride eMTB's?


New member
Local time
8:04 PM
Jan 28, 2021
Hi, first post here!

I wanted to ride my eMTB on a closed fire road in the Los Padres Nat forest. Is this closed road considered a non-motorized trail? Is this legal? Does it matter which class of bike?

Hi Ken,

Did you ever find the answer to your question?

I found this post online mentioning the ebike laws for Los Padres National Forest. It looks like you are only allowed to ride ebikes on trails where motorcycles are allowed.

"...the rules for Los Padres National Forest, set by the U.S. Forest Service, limit e-bikes to “OHV trails, or in layman’s terms, where motorcycles are allowed,” says Mayfield. “That includes West Camino Cielo, Buckhorn Road, Camuesa Road, Divide Peak and Upper Oso.” On other LPNF trails, you can’t be on an e-bike, whether you use the electric aspect or not. (Mayfield adds that e-bikes are welcome at Elings Park and many of the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy Trails.)"

Date Posted: January 19, 2021

You could also contact the US Forest Service Pacific Southwest Regional Office or the BLM California State Office for more information. They would be the ones who know!