The 'large' pet trailer I bought off Vevor is rated to 135#. it's big, lotsa room inside, on top, & in back, cost around $140.
It's capable of hauling the contents of 3 large back packs. The only awkward bit of my prospecting stuff hard to manage
is the 25# post bar for looking under boulders. When younger, i hunted the yellow stuff from Cripple Creek to Dawson City,
The American River to Tombstone. I've got the bug again, & boocoo experience. I can find it anywhere,(quantity dubious).
@$2700 a troy oz. it's become a very worthwhile hobby. I'm fully equipped & a lot more knowledgeable than when I was a kid.
I've put the 3 dog, bike camper/trailer on hold, not all that safe or practical. Better the comfort of my 39 yr.old van. Getting
a new rack, ebike specific, Neither of the wife's 2 newer vehicles are running. I've fixed everything on the van at least once,
runs like new, better! If you have a 'hand powered' operation you don't need a permit. high banking is prohibited ( in WA ).