Bike Rack for Cube bike - Cube Kathmandu Pro 625

The picture shows a frame rack already on there. Are you looking for something bigger or wider, like a pizza rack, or are you trying to fit panniers or a basket? Let us know what your goal is.
Thanks for your response.

The picture shows a frame rack already on there. Are you looking for something bigger or wider, like a pizza rack, or are you trying to fit panniers or a basket? Let us know what your goal is.
With the factory fitted rack, I don't have much choice of panniers to buy and use. Infact, from what I am seeing, Cube themselves offer only one pannier that I can potentially use on these frames. If I use other panniers from cube or from other manufacturers, they are likely to get into the tyres/wheel often when riding.

These bikes are pointless and manufacturers are very cruel that they design something and dont have accessories for them. Can you believe CUBE designed a bike frame which is not easy and user friendly to mount non cube racks or non standard racks ?

Cube are so useless with their customer care.