I have tried several of those suggestions and thanks for all the reply’s. I have a step that works well and the curb when handy certainly helps. I have a Pacifica van and lean against it just for backup if needed and lay ithe bike down a bit I haven’t had any further mishaps and am comfortable stopping and starting with no aids just takes a little time in the saddle. I’m still trying out different seats and have a Cloud nine select on it now, which is very comfortable pedaling or just cruising on cruise control, seems to have a lot of relief in the sensitive areas. I am trying out the Giddy up XL today and will report on comfort levels. I need to raise the seat height a little more but have been pretty comfortable after turning the handlebars around and having them a bit higher. Puts my backside weight further towards the rear and just feels more comfortable with the Cloud 9. Also put a usb charged horn/bell, does all kinds of sounds, on it. Not much room on bars. Amazon has been here a lot lately.