Well given that a new 6.5 Ah battery takes about 4 Hrs to charge from a minimum charge (near empty) state using the Panasonic charger, and the "rapid charge" time for this cell is shown as 1.2 Hrs at 6.5 Amps, the Panasonic charger is clearly giving it "more liesurely" treatment (for longer life). Given that the new cells reccomended rapid charge time is twice that of the lower capacity cell but is still 2.4 Hrs (assuming these are the cells that are actuially being used), then the time value would still be within the range of the charger. As the charger is an intelligent unit however, the charging current varies during the charge cycle so whether that 4.5 Amp max limit is exceeded at any point I'm unsure about. I assume the charger will cope properly but will be emailing Giant to pose this question (just to be sure). I'll let you know the response.