I have a 2013 Emotion Neo Jumper.The factory battery has a 9 pin connector but the bike side only uses 3.I don't want to spend $600 for a recell of a 10 AH battery.I was trying to determine what the 3rd wire is for and how to use it with a battery with only a Position & Negative connection.Thank...
I would like to have a dead battery recelled.What is up with getting a battery repaired?I would assume the BMS ect... Could be used & just replace the factory cells?Thanks for your time I live in Arizona west of Phoenix.It seems like Battery+ or something similar would be able to do it.Thanks...
This is my first ebike.It is missing the charger adapter so I can't charge the battery.I would like to use a after market UPP battery.Can I connect it to the controller and make it work? Thanks for your time
I have been gifted it.This is my first ebike.There is no charger dongle/adapter to connect to the battery so no way to charge factory battery.I would like to use a after market/UPP battery.Can I connect the replacement battery to the controller and make everything work? Thank you for your time
Hello Upsull from Delco Pennsylvania. I'm here for my son who's on the Autistic spectrum. His eBike is his only means of independent travel for work and traveling into town. We've scoured the internet for its console replacement. Unfortunately the bike shop had closed shop. The Evo eMotion City...