
  1. P

    Online parts catalogue for Cliensy MX 350 ebike?

    looking for an on line parts Catalogue to order parts from for my electric mountain bike made by see picture everything online just tells me where to buy another bike there was an accident with this bike and the wire harness that goes into the hub got rubbed off there’s no way to repair it I...
  2. T

    need help from charlotte - cliensy 26inch ebike

    just got cliensy 26 inch fat tire mountain bike need to know the 3 ,3 wire connectors from controller i think i have the other wire correct but am haveing touble with sequence picture or just which wire to which
  3. Sky91fwy

    Cliensy Max350 Folding Mountain ebike

    Hey people I could really use some help here. I just bought this Cliensy Max350 Folding Mounbtain ebike from walmart and after assembling it all together with the battery came late, the electrical part seems not working at all. At 1st it seems weird that why the battery didnt come with it and it...
  4. Bob Blasier

    Cliensy E-bike pedal assist

    I have a Cliensy E-bike. I received several excellent posts indicating that my derailer may be out of adjustment. I was getting a clanking sound on each rotation. However, I reduced the pedal assist option a bit and the clanking sound went away. Can someone help me diagnose why reducing the...
  5. I

    Cliensy or Brother eBike - Error Code E10

    OK, Gang. I've had very little response on this forum. Mainly, because I bought a cheap, Chinese ebike that nobody else had. I bought early. Now, that's changed! Walmart (online only) now sells the 'Cliensy' or 'Brother' eBike now. There should be many more out there! My bike (direct from...
  6. Bob Blasier

    Gear shift problem - Cliensy folding E-bike

    I am a new E-bike owner. I have a Cliensy folding E-bike and I am having a problem shifting gears. Each time I rotate the pedals, I hear a clanking sound from the area of the chain. It seems like the bike is trying to change gears although I haven't done anything with the gears. The bike rides...
  7. JayJonah3000

    350/36V watt brushless motor wont work on new Cliensy folding e-bike.

    I heard their should be some kind of magnet near the rear tire chain. Could someone off some insight? Any would be appreciated.
  8. B

    CLIENSY M350 26 INCH ELECTRIC BIKE rear tire replacement

    I have a CLIENSY M350 26 INCH ELECTRIC BIKE and the rear tire needs to be replaced. When I look on youtube all of the instructional videos show a disconnect in the wire from the controller to the hub motor but my bike does not. It has a continuous wire from the controller to the hub. See...
  9. Bryguy

    What’s wrong with my cliensy ebike?

    I’m having trouble finding info on how to diagnose and fix my cliensy 26” 350w ebike. It was a cheap bike I bought on eBay and it worked great for a year and a half and then one day I was on my way home when I hit a bump and the power suddenly shut off and won’t turn back on. The battery seems...
  10. I

    Who else owns a CLIENSY eBike?

    I’m looking for someone who owns the same bike as I. It says BROTHERS on the the frame. Best I can tell, CLIENSY is the manufacturer. I need someone, with the same bike, to give me the DEFAULT PARAMETERS. I’ve lost them. ANY help appreciated! Ira
  11. I

    Cliensy 26" Electric Mountain Bike Specifications

    Hi. Are you familiar with a Cliensy Ebike? It’s 36v, 350w hub drive. I am trying to locate the manufacturer, or replacement parts or a manual. Anything! I’ve encountered an “Error 10” which universally seems to be a comm problem. I have no speed display, the motor won’t shift, and often...
  12. I

    Howdy from LA (Lower Alabama)! - Cliensy Ebike Question

    I’m very frustrated with my ebike! I will admit, I bought a cheapie! But, surely I’m not the only one. I have a Cliensy Mountain Bike. Bought from Amazon. It’s been great for 550 miles, but now I have a problem, and I cannot find support, manuals or even locate the doggone manufacturer...