
  1. D

    New Bafang bbs02b is worthless.

    My new BBS02b is useless to me because the CAN Bus connection cannot be reprogrammed with the standard cable. (standard factory programming is dangerous at low speed) Moreover the BEEST programming tool is expensive and needs a code, which I heard is only for certified dealers. Thanks for...
  2. danpenn

    BBS02 Won't Turn On after a Year Of Non-Use

    Two years ago I installed a mid drive BBS02 that I bought from JohnnyNerdOut on Trek Verve bike. It ran great for about a year. Then I gave it to my son in law. He rode it a little and then he just stopped riding it and left it stored in his apartment building basement parking garage for a...
  3. R

    BBS02b with 12 speed drivetrain

    Hi everybody, I have been riding a hardtail with BBS01 for years, but since I get older I now need some more power. Ideally I buy a BBS02b and built it on a new full suspension mtb, but am afraid that I get problems with chainline and shifting, because all new MTB's have 11 or 12 speed...
  4. L

    Bafang 750w mid motor power issue

    I have an electric trike that I built with a Bafang 48V 750W BBS02B BBS02 Mid Drive Motor powered by a 48volt 20ah battery pack with a 48V 30A BMS protection board. The trike is an EZ TRIKE and I have been operating this E trike for over a year and then one day it just stops my screen on my...
  5. N

    Hi, new here. Bombing hills in San Francisco

    Public with bbs02 over two years no problems.
  6. J

    Bafang BBS02 750W Nastavenie škrtiacej klapky

    Ahojte. Viete mi prosím Vás niekto poradiť? Mam dve bicykle s domontovaným motorom Bafang BBS02 750W. Bajk č.1 - motor montovaný 2023, Bajk č.2 motor montovany 2024. Rozdiel, ktorý riešim je nasledovný: Situácia rovnaká..... idem na bajku 1, napr, s prípomocou PAS2..... motor pomáha...

    Bafang BBS02 Rodando solto dentro do motor, sem tração.

    Tenho um bafang BBS02, com 1 ano de uso ele perdeu tração. Quando eu acelero ele roda solto dentro da motor, sem tração nas rodas. Por favor, me ajudem, eu não entendo nada disso.
  8. R

    giddy with range

    The wife sent me away for my birthday, so I ended up at Ocean City, Md to watch what is left of the hurricane. I took my most recent build since it is better suited for the type of riding here....flat and paved. I am using a BBS02 with almost 2000 mi, and a 52v, 17.5AH triangle battery (both...
  9. D

    BBS02 supplier

    Does anyone know of a reliable store in Aliexpress that supply a Bafang BBSo2 conversion kit?
  10. GUTOLG


  11. F

    UPP 52V dies at 50% power

    I have a 2 year old UPP 52V 13ah battery (allegedly with LG cells) that recently started cutting out under load once it's down to about 50V on my BBS02 mid-drive. It charges normally up to 58.5 or 58.6 volts. The battery seems to work as it always has between the full charge and 50% without any...
  12. W

    Bafang BBS02B Intermittant loss of power and battery level but display stays on.

    Hi All, any bright soul able to shine some light on this issue? I have a Bafang BBS02B 48V 750W, fitted to my bike. It has worked very well for about 2 years. However, recently there has been an intermittent glitch. The power from the motor cuts out, and battery level bars dissapear, but the...
  13. F

    BBS02 Voltage fluctuations!

    Hi folks I'm new to this forum and I have limited ebike knowledge but im pretty sound with electronics. I'm looking for some help to an issue I'm having. I have bbs02 750w 48v 20ah. The problem I have is when I switch the bike on everything power's but the voltage readout on the lcd fluctuates...
  14. B

    Is there a way to see if I have bbs01 or bbs02?

    So is there a way to see which motor I have of the two? I know they look almost exactly the same so it would be nice if there was a way to spot the difference between them without weighing them ? I know the bbs01 weighs around 3,8 kilos while the bbs02 weighs around 4,1 or so. But how do I see...
  15. B

    BBS02 blown controller?

    So I think I blew my controller going up a slope on the highest gear. It now sounds like this from the motor. I think I might have blown perhaps the Halls or the phase wires right? This type of sound often comes from that, is not that correct? I am just worried I might have blown something...
  16. V

    Bafang BBS02 with different BCD

    Hi all, new here. I have 2 BBS02 mid drive motors. I bought one last year and the other recently. I was using an offset chainring for the first one, which fit correctly. However, I wanted to move the chainring to the new motor, only to find it doesn't fit! The BCD of the new motor is larger...
  17. T

    Bafang BBS02 Factory settings

    I would like to return my Bafang BBS02 to factory settings. All the programs I have seen display 9 PAS settings but my display only shows 5. Is there a program for 5 settings only, or can someone tell me which of the 9 I should use. I have tried 1,3,5,7 & 9 as discussed in Karl Gesslein's...
  18. R

    Is it my display? BBS02

    I have the Bafang BBS02b. I've got about 3000 miles on it, its been very reliable. Finally getting around to changing the PAS levels so that: PAS 1: just enough assist so that it's like a super lightweight bicycle. Because of motor drag it's very hard to pedal with no motor assist PAS 3: where...
  19. R

    Display dead? Diagnose! BBS02

    I have the Bafang BBS02b. I've got about 3000 miles on it, its been very reliable. Finally getting around to changing the PAS levels so that: PAS 1: just enough assist so that it's like a super lightweight bicycle. Because of motor drag it's very hard to pedal with no motor assist PAS 3...
  20. A

    Power settings - Bakfiets with Bafang BBS02

    Total newbie here. I recently fitted a Bakfiets with a Bafang BBS02 motor. I am used to a torque sensing ebike's power delivery and still need to get used to the cadence sensing. The bakfiets is our family's (2 kids and a baby) main form of transport. So to my question. The power delivery of the...